
Free Geek

Understand and solve for the challenges a small non-profit organization is facing.

free geek hero img

What is Free Geek?

Free Geek is a very inclusive non-profit organization. They help upcycle and recycle donated electronic goods. They also aim to educate all members of the community about technology and the how-tos of a computer. In order to achieve this, they have tech nights, classes for schools, as well as a volunteer program. Free Geek receive most of their funding by selling refurbished computers and computer parts.

Free Geek’s mission statement

To be Vancouver’s go to place for e-waste recycling and thrifted items.

My role

UX Designer, team lead


Mandy Cheung

Lucas Fung

Erin Jang

FG Thrift Store
Open help night sign
Open help night sign

Assessing the problem at hand

Free Geek faces many problems, the main problem is that they are not well funded. As their board members change frequently, Free Geek’s vision also changes alongside each round of new board members.

Through our evaluation at Free Geek, we realized that they are not utilizing their resources as well as they could be. Specifically their volunteers that are a main factor in keeping Free Geek running. They are also the people that produce products for the Free Geek Thrift Store.

Problem Statement

Free Geek is struggling to have enough funds to expand and make operations run more efficient.

Understanding Free Geek’s operations

We conducted ethnographic research at Free Geek. We observed their daily operations and occasionally asked questions about certain processes we didn’t understand.


  • • Data collection on staff and volunteers
  • • Sessions: 2, 1.5 hours each
  • • Observervational data: Taking notes + photos

Things that worked

  • • Transparent: post meeting minutes on Wikipedia
  • • Ethical e-waste recycling
  • • Providing accessible technology to those who need it
  • • Educating people about computers and ethical recycling

Understanding the parties at Free Geek

Interviews with Staff

  • Method: Notetaking + voice recording

We conducted in-depth interviews with mulitple parties. The goal was to get a better idea of how the different parts of Free Geek are related to each other and work together.

“ There’s a small group of people that know about us, but a lot of people don’t”

- Lucas S., Lead System Admin

Main Takeaway

Volunteer Coordinators

  • • Shifts for dismantling can be full for weeks ahead
  • • Very inclusive, allows all types of people to volunteer
  • • Volunteers at Free Geek are essential to their operations

Store Owners

  • • Laptops are their best sellers; worried about lack of supplies
  • • Each inventory item is unique
  • • Problem with thievery

Board of Director

  • • Lack of agreement / communication with different areas in FG
  • • More funding is needed to improve operations + efficiency

System Admin

  • • Stressed, overworked
  • • Current outreach program has room to grow

Questionnaire with Volunteers

  • Method: Google Forms

We got 16 volunteers to fill out our Google Surveys in order to better understand their experience at Free Geek. We chose to do surveys because we thought it was the quickest way to get in depth insight from many people.

Sample questions:

  • • What their orientation was like
  • • Why they decided to volunteer at Free Geek
  • • What their current position was
  • • What were their likes and dislikes

“ I’m a wannabe techie, and you can learn to build computers here, isn’t that cool? “

- A volunteer at Free Geek

FG Kitchen for questionnaire

Free Geek kitchen where we conducted the surveys

Finding possible areas of opportunities

There were many problems that Free Geek was facing due to their lack of funding. These were the current ways that they were recieving funds, and we chose to focus on the store stream of revenue.


Chose to focus on this area because it is Free Geek’s main source of income.

green checkmark


The board of directors are already working on getting sponsorships and partnerships.

red cross


Cannot obtain more donations due to lack of space and equipment to get donations

red cross

Opportunities at Thrift Store

There were many problems that Free Geek was facing due to their lack of funding. These were the current ways that they were recieving funds, and we chose to focus on the store stream of revenue.

FG desktop in store

Digitalizing the store

Digital tracker of inventory to easily sell and keep track of what’s available, allowing Store Coordinators to do more high level planning, instead of doing miniscual and mundane things. Thus allowing to improve on efficiency in the store and allow for sales to increase.

FG store counter

Setting up an online store

The physical store at Free Geek was small and can easily get really crowded. Therefore, we thought if we are able to sell the products online they can make more revenue. We even thought of having an online quiz to help people that are unsure of what type of computer they will be needing.

Re-evaluating the fundamentals of Free Geek

We decided to focus on volunteers after re-evaluating Free Geek as an organization as a whole. From our research, we know that the volunteers are vital to the operations at Free Geek.

volunteers image

We think that once the organization and management of the volunteers improve, it could exponentially help the efficiency in the use of volunteers and relieve stress from the Volunteer Coordinators.

Brainstorming Concepts for Volunteers

Participatory Workshop

We conducted a workshop with the Volunteer Coordinators to get them to help brainstorm potential ideas to improve the volunteer program as well as to find out problem areas of the Volunteer program.


  • • Wants a certification
  • • Volunteers have a lack of understanding of all the roles that are available at FG
  • • Stressed from lack of help to organize all the volunteers
Participatory Workshop Materials

Materials for workshop

Participatory workshop with Volunteer Coordinators

Me conducting workshop with the 2 volunteer coordinators

We designed the cards as an immediate response to showcase the stations that are available at Free Geek in hopes to disperse the volunteers to other stations. In the meantime, the developer at Free Geek can work on the portal for staff and volunteers.

Part 1: Cards

We designed cards for all the stations at Free Geek, so new volunteers can know that there are more stations than just Dismantle Station.

Preview of station cards

Each card has the station name as well as the description of the work at the station. We designed this solution in hopes that they will learn of other roles at Free Geek aspire to help out at those other roles. This will also help Free Geek expand their volunteers to other areas, as they expressed before that they could have too many volunteers at the Dismantle Station.

Preview of station cards

Front of card

Preview of station cards

Back of card

Designing the cards

  • • The Volunteer Coordinators were excited about this idea
  • • Ensured the information on the cards had accurate information by asking the Volunteer Coordinators to look over them and check them
  • • Envisioning the physical placement of the cards in Free Geek
process of making cards

Part 2: Online Portal

We designed the UI of the portal with both the staff and volunteers in mind

Part 2 portal

Volunteer's Portal

stations page


Have access to information to understand all the stations at Free Geek



Have volunteers be able to sign up and cancel shifts

volunteer's profilepage


Ensure that the volunteers have a clear goal of what they are doing at Free Geek and how to get to the next role that they are interested in


Volunteers will have a better understanding of how Free Geek works as an organization and have inspirations to have a bigger impact at Free Geek. Sign up is more efficient and easy. Not only is it easy to sign up for shifts, but new volunteers can also sign up for orientation, allowing for more volunteers to help out at Free Geek.

Staff's Portal

staff's volunteer page


Have access to information about the volunteers (ex. Contact information, understand their personal needs, goals at Free Geek, progress and volunteer hours at Free Geek)

This allows staff to better understand the needs of volunteers so they can better assist them.

staff's schedule page


Digitize the process of acquiring, scheduling and contacting volunteers

staff's profile page


Ensuring the design of the portal was easy and quick to use for staff as they are always busy and on the run


All these aspects come together to ensure that the volunteer coordinators are organized and that their volunteers are having a good experience at Free Geek. This allows the volunteer coordinators to have a better understanding of their volunteers and how to support them.

Designing the portal

  • • The portal was a little tricker to design, as there are multiple parties at Free Geek that the portal has an impact on: System Admin, Adrian (portal developer). We asked each party what their expectations are and what their needs from the portal
  • • We intentionally designed the portal to be simple with no fancy transitions or features, so the developer can get this done as soon as possible
  • • We tested our UI briefly with the Volunteer Coordinators by creating paper prototypes to see how they would use the interface and where confusion may arise
paper prototype

Envisioned Journey Map

paper prototype


We helped Free Geek print out a few copies of the cards and sent them a powerpoint version of the cards so they can display it on their TV in the lunchroom for better explanation during orientation. When we gave them the cards we told them areas where we think the cards could be, like the lunchroom and the sign up desk.

For our final deliverables, we sent them:

  • • Hand off documentation
  • • High fidelity mockups of portal
  • • Short gifs of portals to explain how some interactions work
  • • Station cards working files
  • • Station cards print file

A year later

A year later, I visited Free Geek to donate my laptop. Walking in, I was hoping to see if they implemented our changes. The first thing I saw when I stepped into Free Geek was the store staff changed. Disappointed, I walked into the dismantle/ build area and none of the employees that I had met with before was there. The cards that our team made for them were not in use, and they were still using the sign up binder.

To account for next time:

  • • Should have walked through designs with the developer
  • • Maybe have multiple stages of the portal (MVP to Final Product)
  • • Observe how the cards are being used at Free Geek and continue to make iterations
  • • Create a method for volunteers to gain the skills needed to move to the next station -- either through a mentor or something the Volunteer Coordinators can create for educational purposes

My Group

I think our team worked well together. As the team lead, I planned our next steps and provoked discussion. We were able to work individually and work together during ideation, critique and planning next steps. I appreciate the critique I got from my team as I gave out critique as well. I think our team worked well together because we listened to each other and had great communication.

group picture

Customer Journey Map

customer journey map

Staff Journey Map

staff journey map