

In pursuit of freedom of speech

voicechain hero img

My first hackathon

I was ecstatic to be invited to Canada’s largest hackathon, Hack the North. It was an amazing and exhausting experience. I learned a lot about how my experience working with teams has translated to this moment. I am proud of the project that was made in this hackathon.


36 hours


Mandy Cheung | UX Designer

Miguel Valarao | Front end developer

Mario Mendez | Back end developer

David Shan | Back end developer

The premise

All over the world today, every news channel that we are exposed to has content that has a possibility of being altered or skewed to tell the story THEY want to tell. With every person involved, the story has each person’s perspective. We want those voices to be heard uncensored by the speaker themselves.

Problem Statement

In today’s world, there are many instances where people lose the ability to say what they want because of limited social media platforms.


One of our teammates had an idea and we took the idea apart to better understand how it works. As the UX Designer, I ensured to look from a users’ point of view.

Searching in VoiceChain

Site Map

We created a site map to understand what pages were needed and how they are linked to each other. This helped us stay organized and understand what are the needs of the mvp of our product.


VoiceChain Branding

The developer suggested that we used Google Material Design as a base to create the website. I said that’s a great idea as it would save us time. To make the branding uniquely ours, I chose some colours that could represent VoiceChain.

I chose these colours hoping to convey sound waves, and usingb right vibrant colours to stand out. I then used the same colours and idea to create the logo.

voice chain colours
voice chain logo

Creating the UI

  • • Sketched some potential visuals for the UI
  • • Created mock ups for the devs to have dirction of how to code the front end
  • • Gave variations of the UI for the dev to choose for viability reasons

Home Page Options

home screen mock option 1
home screen mock option 2

Button hover interaction options

button hover interation option 1
button hover interation option 2

Explaining to new users

I created easy to understand infographic and an explaination of how VoiceChain works.

voice chain infographic

In addition, to ensure the users feel safe, we included information about the cryptocurrency that we use and the cryptocurrency wallet that we use.

ether info
metamask wallet info

information on the about page

A decentralized website that allows for people to post any statement they want. It can be posted anonymously or not. But the goal is to allow people to express their story without the worry of it being taken down or altered.

Posting your story

Post the story you want to share with the world. Share your story by giving them the code to access your post.

Posting in VoiceChain

Searching a story

You can find stories by using a code that links you to the story.

Searching in VoiceChain


VoiceChain will allow anyone who wants to have a voice to speak up. They are free to post whatever they want, and it won’t ever get taken down or altered because the content is not owned by anyone. With blockchain technology we allow content to be posted in a decentralized system.

My Team & Collaboration

Our team worked really well despite all of us being strangers when we first started. We founded the group on Slack. We communicated well with each other and worked together towards our project’s goal. At the end, we were proud of our product and decided to stay in touch! It was a great experience.

htn team photo