Takling Toronto's Rental Market
RBC Amplify is an intensive 4 month internship, where a team of 4 interns with different disciplinary backgrounds work together to create a product and to solve a challenge provided by a sponsor from RBC.
Our rent suggestion algorithm got got patent approved! You can read more about it here:
4 months
My role
UX Designer
Mandy Cheung | UX Designer
Jenny Guan | Business Analyst
Mohaiman Khan | Developer
Benjamin Labrecque | Data Scientist
Work is under NDA
RBC Ventures is a sector of RBC that explores non-conventional ways to acquire new customers. Within RBC Ventures, we worked with a specific venture called Get Digs.
Get Digs is a service that allows renters to pay their rent by credit card. This allows the renter to build their credit score and build up rewards. Get Digs charges a small fee for non-RBC customers, however for RBC customers it’s free.
How might we arm renters across Canada with data on the rental market, and encourage deeper user engagement with Get Digs?
Our team worked hard together. We did many street interviews and in-depth interview to figure out the problem space, demystified our assumptions, and redefined the problem statement many, many times. From our interviews, we were also able to determine a target demographic and found their biggest pain point. We came up with 3 solutions that we tested with real people through a workshop. Then we user-tested one concept to finalize our concept.
Schedule a talk with me at to talk more indepth about the process and solution of the sponsor challenge!
We predict that our solution can help Get Digs acquire 153k student renters. Who we predict will be the early adopters of this product.
Get Digs’ goal is to convert 10% of their users to RBC in 2020.
Amp expo is the final presentation that all the intern groups present to executives at RBC. We had 7 minutes to present our challenge, our solution and how it ties with RBC.
It was a surreal experience for me, it was the first time I got mic’d up, and presented 4 months of hard work in just 7 minutes. I was proud and happy with all the hard work my team did and I did and all the support we got from the Get Digs team.