
SFU Surge

Creating a brand for a student group

sfu surge hero img

What is SFU Surge?

SFU Surge is a student-run club at SFU. The purpose of SFU Surge is to help students get connected with the tech and the tech community. Their goal is to connect students and empower learning through hosting social events, workshops and potentially hackathons.


6 weeks

My role

I joined the team in July to help to create the logo and branding, as the club hadn't officially been made yet. However they were preparing to create the club in September when school starts.

The team

The team I worked with consisted of the 2-cofounders, the marketing coordinator and the social media coordinator. They were a really responsive and friendly bunch to work with!

Questions and Understanding the client

I asked them what their vision of Surge was and any ideas they had for the logo. I wanted to make sure that the whole executive team was very involved in the whole process when creating the logo.


I sketched some ideas that were discussed in the meetings and then digitized the ones I thought had potential. I like to sketch out ideas because it allows me to quickly get ideas out and try different combinations before committing to something.

SFU Surge logo sketches
SFU Surge logo sketches

Some of the words they used were: empowering, movement, like a surge of energy moving forward

Iterations & Discussion

Every week we had an hour meeting discussing the iterations I made and they gave me feedback. I continued to ask questions as well to have a better understanding of what direction to go towards.

Iteration 1: initial ideas

SFU Surge logo iteration 1

Iteration 2: expanding on inital ideas with feedback

SFU Surge logo iteration 2

Iteration 3: testing out colours with chosen direction

SFU Surge logo iteration 3

Iteration 4: Playing with placement and more colour options

SFU Surge logo iteration 4
SFU Surge logo iteration 4

I was very happy with the results of the logo. I felt that after multiple freelance projects I’ve worked on, this was the best one I’ve made. I was also really happy with the communication and clarity I had with the team. It made the design job a lot easier.

SFU Surge logo final stacked
SFU Surge logo final wide

Colour Palette

SFU Surge colour palette

Current uses

  • • SFU Surge Website
  • • Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
  • • Swag: sticky pad, stickers, pens
  • • Promotional Material: banner, posters
SFU Surge team

SFU Surge team that I worked with

SFU Surge website

SfU Surge website

SFU Surge facebook

SFU Surge Facebook page

Story time!

One time when at a cafe, a girl came up to me and asked if I was in the SFU Surge club, this was because I had the sticker on my laptop. She recognized the logo, to me this means the logo is successful because that means it stood out out of all the stickers on my laptop and knew that the logo belonged to SFU Surge. That made me really happy. :)

Mandys laptop cover

I wanted to work on this project to practice visual design and branding. I felt that this was an area that I wanted to improve on and thought this was a good opportunity for me to learn.