Case Study
Reimagining a business model
Indigo, a Canadian bookstore, has been struggling in book sales over the past few years because of big companies like Amazon and Walmart selling books at a lower price.
Rediscover Indigo is a cross platform application that aims to help rebuild a loyal customer base for Indigo. Exposing Canadian authors to showcase their unpublished works to book enthusiasts, with the goal of creating a deeper connection with their audience. In return, readers get a glimpse into the mind of their favourite writers and potentially provide feedback to assist their authors in the pursuit of writing compelling stories.
5 weeks
My role
UI Designer, UX Designer
Mandy Cheung, Michaela Tsumura, Richard Hoang, Vanessa Liu, Naixin Zhang, Jackie Chui
In recent years, Indigo's book sales has been declining. Their solution to this problem is to expand their inventory past books, such as selling board games, mugs, calendars, etc.
Information from financial statements:
Indigo competitors sell books for a cheaper price and faster shipping.
After analyzing Inidgo’s position, we tried to look for different ways to increase their business. We came up with 3 ideas:
We decided to stray away from competing with online competitors where their business model is to sell books at a lower price. We want to ensure that Indigo creates a personal connection with their consumers, and not just a company that sells books.
Through diversification Indigo is able to create a new revenue stream while supporting aspiring Canadian authors, creating an emotional connection as they can identify themselves with the Indigo brand.
Ansoff Matrix: Diversifying Indigo's market
* Rediscover Indigo starts with a very focused target audience. As the concept grows the focus will expand to a wider range of genres and age range.
Rediscover Indigo is available on all platforms to give accessibility to all users. This allows authors to write and interact with their readers anytime, anywhere. The convenience also reaches to readers to be able to read whenever they want as well. Rediscover Indigo is always ready for its users.
Indigo will build customer loyalty through developing a community by bringing together authors and readers and by supporting new authors in showcasing their unpublished works and get their works displayed in Indigo’s bookstores when published.
In this project, I learned to analyze information and frame it into a business problem, then use design to solve the business problem. The approach we chose was to design a digital application to connect Canadian authors and readers using Indigo’s brand. I also learned to take inspiration from other mediums to create this service. It was a learning experience to organize a project with so many people doing different tasks and putting it all together in the end for one presentation.